I wrote about Whitby I always went there
to absorb the haunting atmosphere of the
place. During one of these visits I saw
a headline in the local paper, "Missing
Cats Mystery" which got me thinking on
a tangent and that's how the fish demon
evolved. I thought it would be a lovely
irony for a fish to eat a cat. I actually
put the headline from the newspaper in
the book as a thank you.
The fish
demon became one of my favourite elements,
but when I suggested putting him on the
cover, the publishers thought the image
might be a bit too horrific. Now, after
8 years he's finally going to be put there
when the rejacketing happens in a few
months time, so watch this space!'

publication of this book I received a
letter from someone who was investigating
serpent cults. He was interested in what
I had uncovered about Whitby and wanted
to know if he could use my research notes
in order to further his investigations.
Sadly I had to write back that there had
been no research into a genuine serpent
cult in Whitby, the Morgawrus of my novel
was a complete invention. I hope I didn't
disappoint him too much.'
'The fish
demon was real though...'